Like a warm wave, the soothings sounds of Fleet Foxes‘ lush layered instruments and harmonies wash over me. It’s been a while, three years in fact since I heard a new album from the Seattle, […]

Like a warm wave, the soothings sounds of Fleet Foxes‘ lush layered instruments and harmonies wash over me. It’s been a while, three years in fact since I heard a new album from the Seattle, […]
I don’t know about you, but music makes me feel young. But what does it mean to be an adult anyway? That’s what one of my favorite bands, Dawes, tries to answer on its latest […]
It feels like Conor Oberst has been a constant presence in my musical life, even if he only showed up when I was in high school. I was 16 years old when I first heard […]
How I find out about an artist is almost as memorable as the first time listening to them. Freshman year of high school, I borrowed a CD called “Take Action!” a sampler put out by […]
As people across the world are going into quarantine and looking for new things to do, people are turning to more conventional ways of passing the time. I don’t know about you, but I have […]
The Lumineers continue to carry a lantern into the dark caverns of folk-rock and bring its treasures to the surface with its latest album “III” released Sept. 13, 2019. As someone who considers themselves a […]
When a song strikes just the right chord, it builds an empathic connection between the musician and the listener. Darlingside establishes that bond better than any band I’ve heard recently. The harmonious folk-rock quartet from […]
Valentine’s Day can be full of surprises. Folk-rock band Dawes sent a valentine to its fans in the form of a new live album, “We’re All Gonna Live,” on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Recorded in January in […]
Too much music and too little time. What a great problem to have each week on The High Note, and today Friday, Sept. 16 is no different. Each of the albums reviewed this week are […]
The new releases for Friday, June 24 are polished albums from established artists. Although we may not be meeting any new bands, we’re saying goodbye to one through a farewell album. But The High Note isn’t […]