New releases by Adult Jazz and Spoon this week

Adult Jazz – “Gist Is”

"Gist Is" by Adult Jazz was released Tuesday, Aug. 4, 2014.

The quartet hailing from Leeds debuts with “Gist Is” a critically acclaimed and compared to Frank Zappa by one NPR writer.

Contemporary, free forming and as erie as Nessie of Loch Ness, Adult Jazz is definitely not Kenny G. The electric 9-track collection is fun and funky culminating with a 10-minute long track “Spook.”

Get “Gist Is” from the band on BandCamp, iTunes and Spotify.

Spoon – “They Want My Soul”

"They Want My Soul" by Spoon was released Tuesday, Aug. 4.

Remember Spoon? Yeah, me too! The indie-rockers first album in four years, “They Want My Soul” marks a refreshed return for the band.

Full of creepy undertones, the band kicked off its release with a secret, MySpace-sponsored show Sunday, Aug. 3 at McKittrick Hotel in New York City. Stereogum and Rolling Stone each have a take on the spooky and weird event.

The band has been around for 20 years and is still mesmerizing music lovers. It’s gaining a lot of support so you’re bound to hear some of it eventually, why not start now?

Get “They Want My Soul” on iTunes, Amazon and Spotify.


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