Tag: pop

Fanfarlo shows evolution with ‘Let’s Go Extinct’

"Let's Go Extinct" by Fanfarlo was released Monday, Feb. 10 by the band's own New World Records in the United Kingdom.
“Let’s Go Extinct” by Fanfarlo.

Fanfarlo takes listeners on a musical and philosophical journey into the future with its third third full-length album, “Let’s Go Extinct.” The album is an adventurous leap in the time machine both back to 80s by incorporating synth melodies and into the future with progressive, futuristic themes by the London folk quartet.

Released Feb. 10 on the Fanfarlo’s own New World Records label in the United Kingdom and by The Orchard in the United States, the 10 tracks of “Let’s Go Extinct” were enjoyable and weird. I fell in love with the eclectic band after hearing the heavily trumpeted “The Walls Are Coming Down,” from its first album, “Reservoir” released in 2009. Although I didn’t find “Rooms Filled WIth Light” from 2012 until late last year, Fanfarlo has held a warm spot in my inner-ear.